an area the size of Germany covered in sand dunes through which the Silk Road traversed
这里遍布沙丘 丝绸之路贯穿其中 This is the world's largest shifting sand desert
大多数生物在此难以存活 Most living would die here
但骆驼却对适应沙漠环境得天独厚 but the camel is uniquely equipped for desert survival
它的鼻子可在吸入时加湿 Its nose humidifies the dry desert air as it breathe in
呼出时除湿 then dehumidifies it in the way out
锁住珍贵水分 conserving precious water
浓密的驼毛在夜间可以保暖 The camel's thick fur keeps it warm at night
在白天可以反射阳光 while reflecting sunlight by day
它的身体在增温6°以内 And its body temperature can rise by 6 degree Celsius
不会出汗 before it even begins to sweat
靠着这些调节 他们可以不喝水前行数日
With these adaptationsthey can go for days without drinking
穿越沙漠对于驼队而言 For the camel trains travel through the desert
就是从一个生命的绿洲走向下一个 is about moving between one life-saving oasis and the next
当他们终于到达水源地 When they finally do reach a drinking hole
骆驼能在10分钟内喝掉60公升水 camels can drink up to 60 liters of water in ten minutes
没有了绿洲 塔克拉玛干沙漠便丧失了生命的可能 Without oasis life in the Taklamakan
“穿越”一词也只会成为遥不可及的字眼 couldn't existand travel would be impossible
沙漠之中 无人永生 But nothing is permanent in the desert
伴随着极端气候下流沙的是 The shifting sands on the extreme climate mean
珍贵的水源随时消失的可能性 that these precious water sources can disappear
正如艾丁湖 This is exactly what happened in the Aydingkol Lake
这个湖床是世界第二最低地 The lake bed is the second lowest place on Earth
海拔-154米 at 154 meters below sea level
这里是中国最热的地方 It's the hottest place in China
有记录的空气温度最高达50摄氏度with air temperatures recorded as high as 50 degree Celsius
地表温度高达80摄氏度 and ground temperatures up to 80 degrees
然而艾丁湖不远处就有一个令人称奇地方 Yet not far from Aydingkol is a surprise
一个沙漠中繁荣的人类聚居地 a thriving human settlement in the desert
吐鲁番绿洲 This is Turpan Oasis
它以品质出众的特产而驰名中国 And it's famous in China for an unexpected product
这就是葡萄 grapes
But how on Earth can a water-hungry crop grow in such abundance
获得丰收 in a desert?
秘密就在地下 The secret lies below ground
一种被称为坎儿井的地下水渠网 A subterranean network of canals known as karez
引导着水源在吐鲁番街道之间流动 is used to channel water around Turpan streets
并将之引入美丽的庭院当中 and into raving yards
但水从何而来 But where does the water come from?
线索就掩埋在荒漠之中 The clue lies on the desert floor
in these lines of holes which mark the course of the subterranean water ways
本文标题:美丽中国-塞外风光(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(9)