两千多年前 Over 2 millennia ago
当地人挖掘了长达3000多千米的 local people carved more than 3000km of
地下水渠 these canals beneath the desert
将水从远处的山上引来 perting water from the distant mountains
在地下引水 Channeling the flow underground
可以减少水在沙漠酷热下的蒸发量 means that less water is lost to evaporation in the desert heat
八月是收获葡萄的季节 In August the grapes are harvested
这神的恩赐是如此的引人注目 This rich bounty has not go unnoticed
In the lush vineyards of Turpan one animal misses thriving
红尾巴沙鼠是种抗旱而强韧的沙漠生命 Red-tailed gerbils are hardy desert creatures
但他们从未如同在吐鲁番般生活的逍遥自在 But those in Turpan have never had it so good
葡萄摘下后 Once the grapes have been picked
一部分会在集市上卖掉 some are sold in the market
但绝大部分被挂在荫房中风干 but most are hung up to dry in the special drying houses
任何啮齿动物都无法抗拒这种诱惑 This place is far too tempting for any rodent to resist
红尾巴沙鼠是个攀爬好手 Red-tailed gerbils are excellent climbers
但面对免费 But why bother
的馈赠还有谁会 when there is plenty of bounty lying around on the ground
迟疑放过呢 unguarded
Rather than suffering the extreme environment in which they live
承受着自然的严苛和暴虐 The wild life and people of Turban
have found innovative ways to cope with conditions beyond the Wall
But not all desert communities world as resourceful as Turpan
这里和中国西部边境之间 Between here and China's western borders
有许多宏伟城市的遗迹 lie the ruins of many great cities
他们曾经拥有自己的辉煌时代 In their day they were vibrant thriving palces
但到了第五世纪 But in the fifth century
丝绸之路逐渐萧条没落 the Silk Road fortunes took a turn for the worse
又是一个有关公主的故事 Once again, a princess was involved
她将蚕偷偷地带出中国 She smuggled silkworm eggs out of china
丝绸不再是一个秘密 The secret of silk was a secret no more
中国对此暴利贸易的垄断被强制终止 And China's stranglehold on this lucrative trade was over
Even when Marco Polo passed along the Silk Road in the 13th century
许多城市就已然消失了 many of these cities had been dead
500多年 for over 500 years
But the Silk Road's most famous city managed to survive
在沙漠尽头的山峦脚下 Where the desert ends beneath vast mountain ranges
China's westernmost point is only a stone's throw from the borders of five central Asian countries
这里就是中西交汇的喀什 This is Kashgar where east meets west
本文标题:美丽中国-塞外风光(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(10)