当热亚最终释放了这只金雕 When Reya finally releases this eagle
那将会是他狩猎时光的终点 it will be the end of its hunting days
中国许多游牧民族的年轻一代 Many of the younger generation of China's nomads
放弃了他们的传统 迁入现代都市生活
are moving to modern cities on leaving their traditions behind
Their lives no longer ruled by the changing of the seasons
回溯到东北地区的往昔冬日 Back in the northeast in mid winter
长城依旧支配着这块土地 the Great Wall still dominates the landscape
最初建立以防范外敌入侵 Originally built to keep out dangerous warriors
如今成为了世界奇观 today it's a little more than a curiosity
先祖筑建了长城的汉族人 The Han Chinese whose ancestors built the Wall
现在大多聚居在如哈尔滨之类 now live in great cities like Harbin
的极北城市 far to the north.
每年 哈尔滨的艺术家们 Each year the artists of Harbin
都为了一场特殊的冬季盛会而做准备 get ready for a special winter celebration
从临近河道中取来的巨大冰块 Giant blocks of ice from nearby rivers
正被施予一场不可思议的改造 undergo a magical transfermation
中国各地的旅客们齐聚哈尔滨 Tourists flock to Harbin from all over China
来观赏这些壮美的冰雕艺术品 to see the spectacular carvings
一座冰雪之城拔地而起 and the ice city that has sprung up all around
10000名工匠辛苦劳作了整整18天 It takes 10 000 people 18 days
来建造这冰与雪的奇幻王国 to construct this icy wonderland
她在白天已足令人眼前一亮 It's impressive enough by day
然而这座梦幻岛的神奇之处 but the magic of this place only becomes apparent
在日落时方为突显 once the sun goes down
中国北方虽然是粗犷严酷 Northern China can be a harsh place
但是这里也存在着惊人的美 but also a place of great beauty
哈尔滨冰雪节展现了 The Harbin Ice Festival shows
长城建造后的人民生活态度的变化 how attitudes have changed since the Great Wall was built
No longer are the extremes of life beyond the Wall merely to be feared
他的丰美壮丽也值得人们赞叹与折服 Now it is possible to celebrate them,too
本文标题:美丽中国-塞外风光(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(14)