顺着中国和北朝鲜的边境 Along China's border with North Korea
有这一地区最著名的山 is this region's most famous moutain
长白山 Changbaishan
长白山意思是“长白” Its name means ever white
它环抱着世界上最高的火山湖 and it harvest the world's higheat volcanic lake
尽管在五月中旬这里仍然白雪皑皑 Even in mid May there is still ice everywhere
这里也有季节变化的征兆 but there are signs that the seasons are changing
从南边吹来的暖风 Warmer winds arrive from the south
在几个星期的时间里 and within a few short weeks
就使长白山发生了变化 Changbai Mountain is transformed.
水再度自山坡流下 Water begins to flow down the mountainside once more
润泽了大地 replenishing the landscape.
六月来了 It's June
昆虫们准备享用取之不尽的花and insects emerge to take advantage of the abundance of flowers.
候鸟迁徙到了温暖的环境里 The warm weather sees the arrival of migrant birds
在南方过冬的野翁鸟 Stonechats that have spent the winter in the south of China
回到这里哺育幼鸟 return here to raise their chicks
周围有丰富的昆虫作为食物 With so many insects around
野翁鸟可能要生好几窝小鸟呢 the stonechats may have several broods
从长白山向西 Heading west from Changbai Mountain
森林逐渐变成了起伏的草原 the forests give way to rolling grasslands
长城一直延伸到远方 The Great Wall stretches off into the distance
被看做是内蒙古大草原的南界 defining the southern limits of the vast Mongolian steppe
长城北面是广阔的草原 North of the Wall are huge areas of grassland
我们路途中有一个地方很重要 but one place on our journey is particularly significant
高草丛中 In the tall grass
赤狐正在哺育幼狐 a family of red foxes is raising its cubs
现在,它们享有这片草原 Today, they have this meadow pretty much to themselves
但事情并不总是这样的 But it wasn't always the case
八百年前 Eight centuries ago
这里应该有丰富的居民 this palce would've been teeming with people
现在这些距离北京不远的废墟 Now these ruins in a field the short distance from Beijing
都曾是中国上都 are all that remains of the great city of Xanadu
大城市上都的遗迹 once the summer capital of China
在这些残垣断壁之中 Within these walls
据说蒙古首领 it is said that the leader of the Mongolians
the mighty Kubla Khan welcomed Marco Polo to China
Mongolian warriors established the greatest empire in history
一直延伸到欧洲的边界 stretching to the borders of Europe
由于害怕这个骁勇善战的部落 Feared of this worrior tribe is the main reason
汉人修建了长城 the Han Chinese built the Great Wall
蒙古人与马的亲密关系 The cornerstone of the Mongolian supremacy
是其制霸的基石 was their relationship with horses
这是他们在战争中获胜的原因 This is what brought them such success in war
本文标题:美丽中国-塞外风光(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(4)