to graze their animals on the meagar pickings in the Zhunge'er
然而哈萨克人并不独享这片土地 But the Kazakhs don't have this place all to themselves.
他们的冬季迁徙路线使其 Their winter migration routes take them passed
绕过了沙漠中央的篱笆围栏 the fence enclosure in the desert.
篱笆这端的马 The horses on this side of the fence
arent domestic animals like those belonging to the Mongolians and Kazakhs
他们是残存世间最后的野生马 These are the last wild horses on Earth
无数野马一路向西迁往欧洲 Millions of them once screeched all the way to Europe
然而现在他们只剩下寥寥数百匹 but now they barely number in the hundreds
为冬天而 For part of the winter
这些野马被隔离开 the wild horses are quarantined
以防止其与哈萨克家马交配 to stop their mating with the Kazakh's horses
如此一来 这一珍稀物种的血缘得以保持纯净
That way, the gene pool of the rare wild animals can be kept pure
然而 这里却存在一个大问题 There is a big problem, however
The live stock and the wild horses compete for the same food
许多哈萨克家庭及他们的牲口 Many Kazakhs families and their flocks
在冬季穿越此地 will pass through here over the winter
当这些野马最终被从畜栏释放 By the time the wild horses can be released from the pen
多数好饲料已被啃噬殆尽 Much of the best forage will be gone
在这块原本就贫瘠的土地上 When there are so little to go around
事态很快就发展到严峻的地步 it doesn't take much for the situation to turn critical
即便在中国最人烟稀少的土地上 Even in the least inhabited parts of China
wildlife and people come into conflict in the struggle to survive
即便在这块不毛之地 Yet in this barren landscape
a remarkable association between people and wildlife persists
这项传统回溯到约6000年前 A tradition harking back almost 6000 years
82岁高龄的热亚继承了 Eighty-two year old Reya carries on a tradition
that has made the Kazakhs famous throughout China
他生命中的每个冬天 Every winter for most of his life
热亚都带着一只金雕去打猎 Reya has gone hunting with a golden eagle
这只雕约莫五岁左右 This eagle is around 5 years old
他在还是只雏鸟的时候被从野外带回 it was taken from the wild as a chick
并由热亚抚育长大 and raised by Reya
他被训练为每次飞行后回到热亚身边 who trained it to return to him after each flight
在放飞这只鸟儿前 He will keep this bird for a total of ten seasons
热亚整整驯养了他两年半 before setting it free
狐狸曾经是金雕猎人最爱的猎物 Foxes were once the favorite quarry for the eagle hunters
然而这些日子他们几乎一无所获 These days they almost never catch anything
正如中国的许多地方 As in many parts of China
野生动物较之过去已经鲜有生迹 wildlife is far scarcer here than it used to be
本文标题:美丽中国-塞外风光(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(13)