但是现在 But these days
只算关在笼子里的 only in captivity
整个中国的东北虎 There may be less than a dozen
可能也不足十二只了 wild Siberian tigers left in China
尽管繁育中心有许多东北虎 though there are many more in breeding centers
这个横道河子围场 This enclosure of Hengdaohezi
从1986年开始繁育虎 started breeding tigers in 1986
为中国药材市场 to supply bones and body parts
提供虎骨和虎其他部分 for the Chinese medicine market
Trade in tiger parts was banned in China in the 1990s
所以现在的繁育中心 and the breeding center
成了旅游景点 is now just a tourist attraction
东北的森林一直延伸到中国 俄国 以及内蒙古交界
The forests of northeast stretch to where the chinese, Russian and Mongolian borders meet
这是大批的动物在迁徙 Here, a surprising herd of animals is on the move
几百年前 The reindeer were introduced to china hundreds of years ago
驯鹿被来自西伯利亚的鄂温克人 by the nomadic Ewenki people
传入了中国 who came here from Siberia
四月的下旬 It's late April
这位妇女正在召唤驯鹿 and the women are calling int heir reindeer
这些驯鹿是半野驯鹿 which are semi-wild
它们在森林里度过了整个冬天 and have spent all winter away in the forest.
人鹿的关系很特别 This a very special relationship
每头驯鹿都有自己的名字 Each reindeer has its own name
许多驯鹿是由这位妇女一手养大的 and many were hand-reared by these women
分开几个月后他们又聚在一起了 finally reunited after months apart
他们将一起生活到秋天 They will now remain together until autumn
The Owenke women are anxious to check the condition of their animals
看看哪头驯鹿怀孕了 and to see which of the reindeer might be pregnant
81岁的Malia Suel 81-year old, Malia Suel
在寒冷的北方始终过着游牧生活is one of only 30 Owenke people still living their nomadic life
过这种生活的鄂温克人只有30个了 in these cold northern lands.
几乎她所有的族人 Almost all her fellow Owenke
放弃了森林生活 have given up the forest life.
搬进了现代城市的钢筋水泥房子里 to settle in concrete houses in modern cities .
The reindeer herders are now almost as rare as wild Siberian tigers
这一家将喜添新丁了 There is about to be a new addition to the family.
这位妇女像接生婆一样 The women act as midwives to the new born calves
helping to nurture them through their first precious minutes of life.
但是它们周围的世界日新月异 But the world around them is changing fast.
This could be the last generation this ancient partnership will endure.
这或许就是长城北边的部落民族 This is hardly the image of the dangerous tribal people
生活的缩影 that the Great Wall was built to keep at bay.
本文标题:美丽中国-塞外风光(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(3)