The silk that travelled along the Silk Road ended up here where it is still traded today
喀什以露天集市闻名 Kashgar is famous for selling everything under the sun
当地的周末集市 The local Sunday market
是亚洲地区最大最丰富的市集之一 is one of Asia's largest and most exuberant gatherings
但是环顾四周 But looking around the market
你会怀疑自己是否真的置身中国 it's hard to believe you are actually in China
喀什地区是个少数民族大熔炉 Kashgar is a melting pot of non-Chinese ethnic people
维吾尔 塔吉克 吉尔吉斯 乌兹别克以及其他民族汇聚此地
Uyghurs, Tajiks, Kirghiz, Uzbeks and many others
我们深入中国北地 Here, our journey heads northwards
原始地区的旅程开始了 into one of China's wildest places
离开了喀什和丝绸之路 Leaving Kashgar and the Silk Road behind
我们一路来到天山 we travel into the Tianshan
或称天国之山 or heavenly mountains.
这座伟岸的山脉坐落于 This great mountain range defines the border
中国最西北省区 between China's most northwestern province
与塔吉克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦的边境交汇处 and neighboring Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan
他的宏伟顶峰几乎逼近喜马拉雅山巅峰 Its majestic peaks are nearly as high as the Himalayas
形成了一座天然长城 Forming a natural great wall
尽管常年冰雪覆盖 For much of the year it's bound up in ice
But the glacial melt water allows evergreen forests to grow
与南部沙漠遥相呼应 a far cry from the desert south of here
这些山脉成为了深入 These mountains are the gateway
中国最神奇居民及其家乡的大门 to some of China's most surprising people and places
在丘陵山谷地带 In the upland valleys
a family of Kazakhs has been grazing their livestock all summer
进行家畜的夏季放牧 on the lush <u>alpine meadows
到了秋天 It's autumn
in a few weeks' time, winter snows will seal the mountain passes
因此哈萨克人决定 So the Kazakhs have decided
在还来得及的情况下 尽早收拾行李踏上旅程 to break camp and move while they still can
离开高山草甸 Turning their backs on the mountain pastures
前方等待他们的是数周一成不变 乏味烂熟的旅行线路
they have many long weeks of travel ahead of them along well worn trails
目的地和天山丰茂的牧场 The destination could hardly be more different
并没有太大区别 from the heavenly mountain's lush pastures
These paths head into one of China's wildest and least known places
这里是准格尔盆地 This is the Zhunge'er Basin
神额外的馈赠 an added land
他坐落于世界最北沙漠---戈壁 that lies at the westernmost edge of the great Gobi desert
边际的最西方 the most northerly desert in the world
准格尔是个充满惊奇的地方 the Zhunge'er is a place of surprises
本文标题:美丽中国-塞外风光(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(11)