过着无忧无虑的生活 have little cause to worry
因为蒙古人保护天鹅 The Mongolians protect the swans,
崇敬他们 and venerate them,
称其为——神之使者 calling them birds of God
随着环境变得越发干燥 The Great Wall's journey through northern China continues westward
我们长城之旅途经中国北部 by setting a landscape that becomes increasingly parched
继续向西延伸 Our journey has brought us halfway across northern China
草原变得炎热 and the grasslands are becoming hot
干燥 dry
荒凉 and desolate
Wandering these wastes are creatures that look more African than Asian
这些是鹅喉羚 These are Goitred Gazelles
纤细 skittish
而易受惊吓 and easily startled
当受到威胁时 它们会像狂奔的马一样快 When threatened by danger,
但是在这样酷热的环境下 But in this intense heat
它们享受着平静 they favor a gentler pace
这里几乎没有积水 There is little standing water here
但是羚羊有一种非同寻常的能力 but the gazelles have remarkable ability
从干草中提取水分 to extract moisture from dry grass
然而为了找到足够的食物 although finding enough worth eating
它们不停的移动着 keeps them constantly on the move
即使在这里 在沙漠里 Even out here, in the semi-deserts
长城仍然进行着它的长征 the wall continues its long march
这段长城由土凝筑而成 Here it's made of a little more than compacted earth
但是因为几乎没有降水 But with hardly any rain falling
数个世纪后的它仍然未遭多少侵蚀 it suffered very little erosion over the centuries
Hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives building it
但看起来它仍然不足以信任 Yet it seems hard to believe
that anyone felt that these distant wastelands needed protecting
但是长城仍然有一个终结的惊奇 But the Wall still has one final surprise
这就是嘉峪关 This is Jiayuguan
这沙漠里强大的碉堡 the mighty fortress in the desert
600年前建于明朝 Built in the Ming dynasty over 600 years ago
传说中这座城堡的建造 legend says that the construction of the fortress
是具有非常严密的计划的 was so meticulousily planned
以至于专门制作的100,000块砖中 that 100,000 bricks were specially made
只有一块被弃置不用 and only one brick was left unused
这座城堡标志着中国长城的结束 This fortress marks the end of the Great Wall of China
世界上最伟大的人造障碍 the greatest man-made barrier on Earth
但是在这之前 坐落着一个更为可怕的障碍 But ahead, lies an even more formidable barrier
一个巨大的向西方伸展的沙漠无人地带 a vast no man's land of deserts that stretch westward
延伸到亚洲中部边缘 to the borders of central Asia
嘉峪关的城堡被认为是 Jiayuguan fortress was considered
中国文明最后的前哨 to be the last outpost of Chinese civilization
从这一点往更远处 坐落着绝对的荒漠 Beyond this point, lays utter desolation
本文标题:美丽中国-塞外风光(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(6)