蒙古骑兵在夜晚旅行 The Mongolian riders travelled at night
由于不顾惜马匹 and rode with spare horses
so they could move huge distances strike and then retreat quicker than their opponents
蒙古文化的中心是赛马 At the heart of the Mongolian culture is horse racing
每个七月举行一年一度的那达慕大会 The annual Nadam Festival held each July
is a chance for young Mongolians to show off their horsemanship
据说蒙古人都出生在马鞍上 It's said that Mongolian people are born in the saddle
甚至连孩子都是造诣深厚的骑手 Even as children,they are consummate riders
马术不仅是古代蒙古战士 Horsemanship was the core of the Mongolian success
成功的核心 as warriores in the past
也是如今游牧生活的必备技能 and is central to their lives as nomads today
在巴音布鲁克草原 In a area of grassland know as Bayanbulak
游牧家族开始集合 families of nomadic Mongolians are gathering
巴音布鲁克的意为“富有的源头” The name, Bayanbulak, means rich headwaters
他们来到这里搭建临时住所 and they come here to set up temporary homes
为了在丰茂的夏季牧场放牧牲口 to graze their lifetock on the lush summer pastures
为了给牲口寻找新鲜的牧草 The search for fresh fodder for their animals
他们四处游牧 keeps them on the go
搬家如此的方便 and being able to move home so easily
是个实实在在的优势 with a real-life vantage
蒙古家庭仅需要几分钟 It takes only a few minuts for the Monolian family
就能搭起他们的蒙古包 to set up their yurts .
但是蒙古人们并没有独占这块土地 But Mongolians don't have this place all to themselves.
丰富的资源同样吸引来不计其数的鸟类The rich resources also attracked a huge variety of birds,
蓑羽鹤 Demoiselle Cranes
涉水鸟类和水禽 wading birds and waterfowl
被从亚洲各个角落吸引迁徙到这里的 migrate here from all over Asia
河流和湿地 drawn to rivers and wetlands
在附近的山脉的冰雪融水中觅食 fed by glacial melt water from nearby mountains
这个地方在中国被称为 This place is known in China
天鹅湖 as Swan Lake
It's the world's most important breeding site for whooperswans
当然也毋庸置疑的成为了蚊子的繁殖地 and arguably mosquitos as well.
The pastures at Swan Lake provide endless amount of lush grass
做巢的鸟儿和在这里觅食的牲口 for birds to nest in
提供了近乎无尽的丰茂青草 and for lifestock to eat
似乎每个人都丰衣足食 It would seem that's plenty for everybody
但有时候为保舒适也需要保持距离 but occasionally they can't get too close for comfort
800年前 800 years ago
the Mongolians were the most feared people on Earth
但是他们也有着感性的一面 but they have a spiritual side as well
天鹅湖里的鸟儿们 The birds of Swan Lake
本文标题:美丽中国-塞外风光(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(5)