美丽中国(Wild China)第四集 塞外风光 Beyond the Great Wall
长城始建于中国汉代 The Great Wall of China was built by the Han Chinese
为了抵御来自北方的游牧民族而建 to keep out the nomadic tribes from the north
当时把这些游牧民族称为戎狄 They called these people barbarians
并且认为他们的土地贫瘠且 and their lands were considered barren
不适宜人类生息 and uninhabitable
中国的北方确实是一个笼罩在严酷寒冬之中的 Northern China is indeed a harsh place
艰辛之地 of terrible winters
无情的夏天 ferocious summers
严酷的沙漠 harsh deserts
但是这块多彩多姿的土地 But it is far from lifeless
却充满了勃勃生机 With colorful places
有着令人惊讶生物 surprising creatures
奇风异俗的人民 amazing people
以及独特的景致 and strange landscapes
旅途越发深入 景致越发精彩 The further we travel, the more extreme it becomes
长城以北的人民与野生生命 So how do people and wildlife cope
是如何应对艰苦的自然环境和种种生存挑战 with hardships and challenges of life beyond the Wall
仅以此献给我们多灾多难但美丽依旧的祖国 For our troubled but drop-dead beautiful motherland
长城是中国古代 The northern limits of ancient China
北部的边界 were defined by the Great Wall
自东蜿蜒向西约5000公里 which meanders for nearly 5000km from east to west
当时定居于中原地带的汉族人 The settled Han people of the Chinese heartland
常常被被来自于北方的 were invaded many times by warlike tribes
游牧部落所侵略 from the north
长城的修建保护了汉族人免于 The Great Wall was built to protect the Han Chinese
遭受侵略 from invasion
为了展现勇猛豪迈的北方壮士 To meet those fearsome northerners
以及这块土地上的野生生命 and the wild creatures who share their world
我们必须离开庇护所 we must leave the shelter of the Wall
深入探索未知的世界 and travel into the unknown
中国的东北部在历史上被称为满洲 Northeast China was known historically as Manchuria
她的上游河段与巴黎位于同一纬度 Its upper reaches are on the same latitude as Paris
但是到了冬季 这儿却是—— but in winter, it is one of the coldest
地球上最冷最不利于生存的地方 most hostile places on the planet
刺骨的寒风定期从西伯利亚袭来 Bitter winds from Siberia
并将气温降至零下四十度 regularly bring temperatures of 40° below 0
四季常绿的茂密森林覆盖了这片土地 Dense forests of evergreen trees cover these lands
难以穿越的大峡谷增添本来就 and a rugged terrain is made even more difficult
崎岖不平的地形的复杂度 by impenetrable ravines
从一条冰封的河流开始了我们的旅途 We start our journey on a frozen river
蛇行于中国的最东北角与 snaking between China's northeastern most corner
西伯利亚之间 and Siberia
中国人叫她 The Chinese call it
黑龙江 the "Black Dragon River"
居住在这儿的人 The people who live here
并非勇猛豪迈的北方壮士 aren't exactly fearsome warriors
本文标题:美丽中国-塞外风光(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕