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美丽中国-香格里拉(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(6)

时间:2014-10-18 08:43 来源:未知 作者:地理教师 责任编辑:地理教师

然而 当他们来到这里 却发现了构造美丽的古石道
Yet, when they came here, they would have found beautifully constructed ancient stone pathways
拜此所赐 森林探索得以进行 on which the forest could be explored.
蜿蜒向西深入山地 Winding westwards into the hills,
曾一度是亚洲地区的要道 these were once some of the most important highways in Asia,
西南部的茶马古道(即为西南丝绸之路) the southwestern tea and silk road.
茶马古道源于古代西南边疆的茶马互市 兴于唐宋盛于明清 Built thousands of years ago,
西南茶马古道越过中国的边境迎来了 远自罗马的商人与旅者
the southwestern tea and silk road gave access to the world beyond China's borders,
将这片古老土地与世界相连 carrying tradesmen and travellers from as far away as Rome.
这条路上曾燃烧过连绵的战火 Wars were fought over access to this tiny path,
也是出入当时中国的唯一咽喉要道 the only sure route in or out of China,
必须要保证全年畅通无阻 that was guaranteed to be clear of snow all year round.
那么 是什么造就了高黎贡山独特的气候
So, what causes Gaoligongshan's strange and remarkable climate?
五月后旬阵风来临 In late May, gusts of wind arrive,
带来了解开高黎贡山气候之谜的钥匙 bringing with them the key to Gaoligongshan's mystery.
热风富含水分 The winds are hot and saturated with water.
它们完全来自于印度洋 They come all the way from the Indian Ocean.
受云南独特地形的影响 Channelled by Yunnan's unique geography,
热带季风带来了充沛的雨量 they bring with them the moisture of the tropical monsoon.
形成于千百万年前的巨大河谷 The giant river valleys, created millions of years ago,
如同巨大的漏斗一般 act like immense funnels.
这些峡谷深邃狭长 The gorges are so deep and narrow,
引导湿热气流径直流向滇北 that the moist warm air is driven right up into the north of Yunnan.
然后就是降雨 暴泄的狂流 The result is rain, in torrents!
Four months of daily rainstorms sustain luxuriant vegetation.
季风的来临 The arrival of the monsoon
awakens one of the forest's most extraordinary moisture-loving inhabitants.
类鳄蝾螈是此处发现的 最为不凡的两栖动物之一
The crocodile newt is one of the most unusual of the many amphibian species found here.
当雨季来临 它们开始求偶繁衍 As the rains arrive, they emerge to mate.
The newts are said to leave an odour trail that potential mates can follow.
The crocodile newt gets its name from the bumps along its back.
这是它们的天然防御 These are its defence.
一旦被潜在的肉食者捕获 If grabbed by a potential predator,
肋骨的顶部的隆起物中便会 挤压出致命的毒素
the tips of its ribs squeeze a deadly poison from the bumps.
暴雨唤醒了另外一种森林生物 The deluge wakes another forest inhabitant.
它那勃发向上的朝气令人叹为观止 This one is particularly astounding in its vigour!
  本文标题:美丽中国-香格里拉(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(6)
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