然而,更重要的是 and, more importantly,
白色羽毛能够为猎人导航 it can be seen.
猎人的狩猎现在开始了 Now the hunter is the hunted.
只要Po与Xue Ming能够跟上 So long as Po and Xue Ming can keep up!
回到蜂巢后,其它的大黄蜂 Back at the nest, the other hornets
立即把羽毛咬碎 immediately begin to cut the feather free.
但是为时已晚 蜂巢的位置已经暴露 But it's too late. The nest's location has been betrayed.
The relationship between the forest animals and the people who live here
几乎就没有和睦的时候 was never one of harmony.
Yet the fact that the Dai and other ethnic groups considered these forests to be sacred,
并且能够为他们的生存提够保障 has ensured their survival
现在很多森林通过自然保护区的形式 被特别地保护起来
and now many have been given extra protection as nature reserves.
身心的劳累终于获得了回报 Ingenuity and hard work pays off at last.
傣族人很喜欢食用这种多脂的幼虫 The fattened larvae are considered a delicacy by the Dai.
尽管这些森林历尽了沧桑巨变 Although these forests have experienced a great deal of change,
但它们依旧是一些远古的 令人难以置信的关系的主人
they are still host to some ancient and incredible relationships.
差不多六十厘米高 Almost 60 centimetres high,
这是滇南魔芋的巨大花冠 this is the immense flower of the Elephant yam.
当地人称之为丛林女巫 Locals call it the "Witch of the Forest".
夜幕降临繁星满天 丛林女巫开始释放她的魔力
As the stars rise, the witch begins to cast her spell.
森林中的气温下降了 花儿却开始升温了
The forest temperature drops, but the flower starts to heat up.
热成像摄影机显示出了花的温度 A heat sensitive camera reveals the flower's temperature
温度令人难以置信的升高了十摄氏度 rising by an incredible ten degrees Celsius.
At the same time, a noxious stench of rotting flesh fills the forest air.
随着花朵热量的增加 臭气阵阵袭来 As the flower's heat increases, a cloud of odour rises up.
难闻的味道四处飘散 The foul perfume carries far and wide.
它并非没有注意到 It doesn't go unnoticed.
腐尸甲虫登场了 Carrion beetles arrive on the scene.
The beetles come in search of a feast of warm decaying flesh,
但是甲虫上当了 but they've been tricked.
滑溜的花壁使甲虫摔倒 Slippery sides ensure they tumble
直接跌进了巨花的中央 straight into the centre of the monster flower.
这儿的空间不足以让甲虫展开它的翅膀 There's not enough room to spread their wings
像蜡一般光滑的花壁注定甲虫无处可逃 and the waxy walls ensure that there's no escape.
花儿挽留甲虫做客期间 并不会有任何凶险的事情发生
But there's nothing sinister in the flower's agenda.
甲虫将会在不知情的情况下成为花的助手 The beetles will be its unwitting helpers.
本文标题:美丽中国-香格里拉(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(11)