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美丽中国-香格里拉(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(10)

时间:2014-10-18 08:43 来源:未知 作者:地理教师 责任编辑:地理教师

生长迅速的绿色植物有很强的竞争优势 Green, fast growing species are encouraged.
这儿的昆虫资源也极其富足 Insects are in high abundance here,
以昆虫为食的动物也不少 together with the animals that feed on them.
基诺族人掌握的关于森林的知识 使他们能够找到植物之外的
Knowledge of the forest enables the Jinou to find not just plants,
其它美味可口的森林食品 but other tasty forest food too.
丛林地蟹在这儿很常见 它们以充足的废叶为食
Forest crabs are common here, feeding on the abundant leaf litter.
晚餐又多了一道美味可口的菜肴 This will be a tasty addition to the evening meal.
流经云南南部的山谷 Flowing through Yunnan's southern valleys,
怒江的水量正是充沛的时候 the once angry rivers are now swollen,
缓慢流动河水有些温暖 their waters slow and warm.
这些富饶的低地河谷是傣族人的家园 These fertile lowland valleys are the home of the Dai.
水之民 The "People of the Water"
山环水抱沿河而居 live along streams which originate in the surrounding hills.
每一个家庭都拥有一个菜园子 Each family keeps a kitchen garden
仿照森林环境中的多层结构 modelled on the multi-layered structure of the surrounding forests,
傣族人对森林满怀敬重 which the Dai hold sacred.
The gardens are made more productive by inter-planting different crops.
Tall, sun-loving species give shelter to plants which thrive in the shade.
作为伙伴,大家都得以茁壮成长 As companions, the plants grow better.
云南的森林里有十二种 以上不同品种的野生香蕉
Yunnan's forests are home to more than a dozen wild banana species
多数傣族人的菜园里的香蕉都长势良好 and banana crops grow well in most Dai gardens.
The huge banana flowers are rich in nectar for only two hours a day,
却足以吸引周围森林中的昆虫前来采吸 大黄蜂当然也不甘落后
but it's enough to attract a range of forest insects, including hornets.
用它们剃刀般锋利的下颚骨 With their razor sharp mandibles,
很容易就能够采集到花蜜 they find it easy to rob the flowers of their nectar.
捕食者大黄蜂也是肉食动物 But hornets are predators too.
它们捕食其它的昆虫并带回蜂巢 They hunt other insects and carry them back to their nest.
一个理想的目标 An ideal target,
但是这只蚱蜢并非免费的盘中餐 but this grasshopper is no easy meal.
也许要为之付出一定的代价 There may be a price to pay.
傣族猎人Po与Xue Ming 利用猎人的本能
The Dai men, Po and Xue Ming, take advantage of a hunter's instincts.
被大黄蜂蛰伤是一件很痛苦的事情 A hornet sting is agony.
现在大黄蜂的心思都在蚱蜢身上 But for now it's distracted, intent on cutting away
咬下一块足够小的蚱蜢肉以便带回蜂巢a piece of grasshopper small enough to carry back home.
成功了 Success!
白色的羽毛几乎没有迟滞黄蜂的飞行速度 The white feather hardly slows the hornet,
  本文标题:美丽中国-香格里拉(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(10)

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