他发现了千姿百态的植物 In glorious colour he recorded the plant life he found
并将其记录于特制的玻璃质感光片上 on special photographic glass plates.
通过将成千上万的标本送回西方 Sending thousands of specimens back to the West,
植物猎人永远的改变了世界园艺 the Plant Hunters changed the gardens of the world forever.
Rock的成功源自其不懈的努力 Rock's success was born of a massive effort.
为了找到他的香格里拉 For, to find his Shangri-la,
他翻越了无尽连绵的山脉 not only had he to traverse endless mountain ranges,
征服了世界上最深的峡谷 but some of the deepest gorges in the world.
怒江之名意为愤怒的河流 The Nujiang is called The Angry River.
绵延三百公里的急流如同那些巍峨群山 This 300-kilometre stretch of raging rapids
成为了保护野生生命的天然屏障 is as much a barrier to life as are the mountains above.
植物猎人并非第一个到这里旅行的人 But the plant hunters weren't the first people to travel here.
怒江之上 Along the Nujiang,
less than 30 rope crossings allow locals passage across the torrents.
小村落依山而居 Tiny hamlets cling to the slopes.
今天是赶集的日子 This morning, it's market day,
一大早 人们就从山谷的四处集中 drawing people from up and down the valley.
当地人使用这种简易吊索穿越河流 Hanging from simple rope slings,
已有数百年的历史 people have been using the crossings for many hundreds of years.
在如此狭窄陡峭的山谷中 In such narrow, precipitous gorges
这种简易的交通方式显得尤为便捷 it's by far the easiest way to get around.
虽然成功抵达彼岸 前方崎岖的山路依旧艰辛 Once across, the steep sides mean it's still a hike.
抵达集市前还需要数小时的艰苦跋涉 Many trek for hours by foot before they get to the market.
超过十二个以上的族群 居住在这片宽阔的河谷之中
The immense valley is home to over a dozen ethnic groups.
怒族人仅存于此 Some, like the Nu people, are found only here.
不同族群的山民们在集市上相聚 The markets bring the mountain tribes together.
为了继续他的征途 To continue his expeditions,
Rock had to get his entire entourage across the giant Yunnan rivers.
He commissioned especially thick ropes made from forest rattan
并记录下了整个全程 and filmed the entire event.
他们用牦牛油润滑了吊索 40个人和15头骡子开始渡河
With yak butter to smooth the ride, 40 men and 15 mules made the journey.
但并非每次都成功抵达了彼岸 Not all made it across.
在怒江河谷遥远的彼岸 On the far side of the great Nujiang gorge,
植物猎人们有了惊人的发现 the Plant Hunters made a remarkable discovery.
尽管远离热带 Far from the tropics,
they seemed to be entering a steamy, vibrant tropical jungle,
这就是高黎贡山的森林 the forest of Gaoligongshan.
本文标题:美丽中国-香格里拉(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(4)