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美丽中国-龙之心(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(9)

时间:2014-10-18 08:47 来源:未知 作者:地理教师 责任编辑:地理教师

a favorite spot for fishermen with their trained cormorants
这帮七八十岁的男人全部姓黄 The men, all called Huang, come from the same village
他们来自同一个村落 now in their seventies and eighties
他们毕生都以捕鱼卫生 they've been fishermen all their lives
在释放鱼鸟之前 Before they release the birds
他们在鸟的脖子上松松的系一条套索 they tie a noose, loosely around the neck
以防止鸟儿私自将捕到的鱼吞进肚子里 to stop them swallowing any fish they may catch
伴随着即兴的舞蹈, 黄老汉鼓励着他的鸟儿们跳入水中
Chancing and dancing, the Huangs encourage their birds to take the plunge
在水下 Under water
鸬鹚的狩猎本能暴发 the cormorant's hunting instinct kicks in
他们化身为水下的游鱼追踪导弹 turning them into fish seeking missiles
一只鸬鹚小分队搭档合作齐心协力 Working together,
a good cormorant team can catch a couple of dozen decent-sized fish in a morning
The birds return to the raft with their fish because they've been trained to do so
从出生的那一刻起 From the time it first hatched
each of these cormorants has been reared to a life of obedience to its master
这些鸟儿是高效的奴隶 The birds are, in effect, slaves
但是它们并不是白痴 But they are not stupid
It's said the cormorants can key the tally of the fish they catch
至少能记住七条 at least up to seven
除非它们不时得到打赏 当然这不过是收回一点自己的劳动成果罢了
So unless they get a reward now and then,they simply withdraw their labor
渔夫理所当然得把最好的鱼留给自己 The fishermen of course keep the best fish for themselves
鸬鹚则能享受剩余的部分 The cormorants get the leftover tiddlies
项圈摘除后 鸟儿们终于能享用它的战利品了
With its collar removed,the bird can at last swallow its prize
最美妙的莫过于得到额外的打赏 Best of all,when it isn't meant to have...

而如今 现代捕鱼技术的激烈竞争 These days,competition for modern fishing techniques
means the Huangs can't make a living from traditional cormorant fishing alone
这一流传了1300多年的传统 And this 1300-year old tradition
如今只能成为取悦游客的表演 is now practiced mostly to entertain tourists
但在贵州省附近的草海湖上 But on Caohai lake in nearby Guizhou Province
一种与众不同的捕鱼业正在蓬勃发展 an even more unusual fishing industry is alive and well
庚钟胜正在去为夜间布网的路上 Geng Zhongsheng is on his way to set out his net for the night
Geng's net is a strange tubular contraption with a closed off end
上百渔夫依靠这个 More than a hundred fishermen make their living from the lake
水质富矿的高产湖泊为生 Its mineral-rich waters are highly productive
  本文标题:美丽中国-龙之心(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(9)

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