但收割却尚未完成 but they haven't been drained yet
这是因为稻米并非他最主要的作物 That's because for him, rice is not the main crop
The baskets he's carried up the hillside give a clue to Yang's business
在他开工前 But before he starts work
他先需要释放些水出来 he needs to let some water out of the system
谜底随着水位的下降 As the water level drops
而水落石出 the mystery is revealed
金鲤 golden carp
Longxian villages discoverd the benefits of transferring wild caught carp into their paddy fields long ago
这一传统延续了七百多年之久 The tradition has been going on here for at least 700 years
当禾田里的水位下降 As the water level in the paddy drops
竹阀门阻止了金鲤的潜逃 bamboo gate stop the fish's escaping
这一神奇的生态养殖方式 The beauty of this farming method
同时同地丰获了两大农产 is that it delivers two crops from the same field at the same time
鱼 与米 fish and rice
如此充满智慧的生态养殖 Smart ecology like this
即便今时今日也在为中国农副产品的 is what enables China to be largely self-sufficient in food
自给自足奠定着基础 even today
回到村庄后 Back in the village
老杨进入自己的熏房 Yang has his own smoke house
为贩售而准备他的鱼 where he preserves his fish ready for market
龙现鲤有着柔软的鳞 Longxian carp have unusually soft scales
和美妙的味道 and a very delicate flavor
这或许拜当地水质所赐 perhaps as a result of the local water
此时此刻的熏房外 Meanwhile, outside the smoke house
古灵精怪的小家伙们蠢蠢欲动 there is something fishy going on
为了庆祝丰收 To mark the harvest
村民举行了一场盛会 the village is staging a party
龙现小学的孩子们 Children from Longxian school
为了此刻的盛会准备了数周 have spent weeks preparing for their big moment
全村上下在这天前来捧场 Everyone from the community is here to support them
水稻种植循环体系完美无缺 The rice growing cycle is complete
十一月 By November
中国北方日渐寒冷 northern China is becoming distinctly chilly
而南方则相对温暖和煦 but the south is still relatively warm and welcoming
飞鸟掠过鄱阳湖广阔的湖面 Accross the vast expanse of Poyang lake
聚集在一起 the birds are gathering
Tundra swans are long-distance migrant from northern Siberia
对中国人而言 他们象征着至高无上的自然美
To the Chinese, they symbolize the essence of natural beauty
The Poyang Lake Nature Reserve offers winter refuge to more than a quarter of a million birds
25万之多鸟类的提供天然栖息地 for than 100 species
成为中国南方最令人叹为观止的自然盛景 creating one of southern China's finest wildlife experiences
最后抵达此地的是跨越千山万水 The last birds to arrive at Poyang
本文标题:美丽中国-龙之心(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(14)