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美丽中国-龙之心(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(5)

时间:2014-10-18 08:47 来源:未知 作者:地理教师 责任编辑:地理教师

Karst landscapes are often studded with rocky outcrops
这迫使当地农民只得在破碎的小块土地上耕作 forcing local farmers to cultivate tiny fields
The people who live here are among the poorest in China
在毗邻的云南省 In neighboring Yunnan province
遍布着石灰石 limestone rocks have taken over entirely
这就是著名的石林 This is the famous Stone Forest
无数年侵蚀作用的产物 the product of countless years of erosion
造就了无数的狭道与巅峰 producing a maze of deep gullets and sharp-edged pinnacles
石灰石有一个独性 那就是能被雨水分解
Limestone has a strange property that is dissolves in rain water
在数千年的漫长光阴中 水的侵蚀深入到岩床的心脏地带
Over many thousands of years, water has corrode its way deep into the heart of the bedrock itself
这一自然奇观成为了著名的旅游景点 This natural wonder has a famous tourist spot
每年的访客数量多达200万人 receiving close to 2 million visitors each year
中国人特别喜好奇形怪状的岩石 The Chinese are fond of curiously shaped rocks
并以为嶙峋怪石冠上千奇百怪的名字为乐 and many have been given fanciful names
但没人来猜测这个块怪石的名字 No prices for guessing what this one is called
But there is more to this lands cape than meets the eye
在中国醒目的喀斯特地貌下 China has literally thousands of mysterious caverns
隐匿着无数的神秘洞穴 concealed beneath the visible landscape of the karst
这些隐秘世界大多不为世人所知 Much of this hidden world has never been seen by human eyes
而现在他们将被展现在世人眼前 And it's only just now being explored
奇险洞穴中再现了一场终极的探险 For a growing band of intrepid young Chinese explorers
主角是一群日渐成长 初生牛犊般的年轻探险家
caves represent the ultimate adventure
探索一个洞穴 犹如一场穿越时空的探险
Exploring a cave is like taking the journey through time
a journey which endless raindrops would have followed over countless centuries
水滴潺潺落下 Fed by countless drips and trickles
地下河流深切入岩 the subterranean river carves ever deeper into the rock
The cave river's course is channeled by the beds of limestone
A weakness in the rock can not allow the river to increase its gradient flowrate
为洞穴探险带来相当的挑战 providing a real challenge for the cave explorers
The downward rushes halted when the water table is reached
Here the slow flowing river carves tunnels with a more rounded profile
这静谧的世界是穴居鱼的家 This tranquil world is home to specialized cave fishes
比如无目金鲃 like the eye-less Golden Barb
中国或许拥有地球上种类最为繁多的 China may have unique kinds of cave evolved fishes
  本文标题:美丽中国-龙之心(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(5)
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