洞穴进化鱼 than anywhere else on Earth
在地下水位线 Above the water table
ancient caverns abandoned by the river slowly fill up with stalactites and stalagmites
含有沉积物的水流 St alactites form as trickling water deposites tiny quantities of rock
在千万年间“滴水成石” over hundreds or thousands of years
Stalagmites grow up where lime laid and drips hit the cave floor
So far, only a fraction of China's caves have been thoroughly prospected
and caves are constantly discovering new subterranean marvels
many of which are subsequently developed into commercial show caves
探索者沿着洞穴河流出山谷的轨迹逃离了黑暗 Finally escaping the darkness
the cave river and its human explorers emerge in a valley far from where their journey began
这场冒险拉上了帷幕 or now the adventure is over
源自洞穴河流 Rivers which issue from caves
为喀斯特地区提供了生命之泉 are the key to survival in the karst country
贵州的垂直峡谷 This vertical gorge in Guizhou province
成为了当地野生动物的密集焦点 is a focal point for the region's wildlife
这是世界上最珍稀的灵长类之一 This is one of the world's rarest primates
白颊黑叶猴 Francois's langur
在中国他们只残存于两个南部省份 In China, they survive in just two southern provinces
贵州与广西 Guizhou and Guangxi
多半栖息于崎岖的石灰岩地貌地带 always in ragged limestone terrains
正如大多数猴子一样 他们是社会性生物Like most monkeys, they're social creatures
并且他们乐于耗费大把时间为彼此整理仪容and spend a great deal of time grooming each other
Langurs are essentially vegetarian with a diet of buds, fruits, and tender young leaves
叶猴宝宝裹着姜黄色的毛发出生 Babies are born with ginger fur
which gradually turns black from the tail end
叶猴宝宝虎钳般的爪 Young infants have a vise-like grip
帮助他们附着在妈妈身上以保证安全 used for cling on to mom for dare life
随着年龄的增长 As they get older
他们越发胆大,并开始常识更多刺激 they get bolder and take more risks
这些是经历诸多冒险后的幸存者 Those have survive spend a lot of time travelling
尽管经验丰富的成年叶猴深知 Yet experienced adults know exactly where to find seasonal food
到守备范围内不同区域的哪里去寻觅当季的食物 in different parts of their range
在如此陡峭的地带 In such steep terrain
旅途顺利包含了高超的攀爬技巧 travel involves a high level of climbing skill
These monkeys are spectacularly good rock climbers from the time they learnt to walk
本文标题:美丽中国-龙之心(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(6)