叶猴族群 In langur society
是母系社会 females rule the roost
并且是举家迁徙的领队人物 and take the lead when the family is on the move
峭壁一侧 One section of cliff
分泌的水是富含矿物质的 woops is a trickle of mineral-rich water
这对猴子们而言是不可抗拒的诱惑 which the monkeys seem to find irresistible
These days there are few predators in the Mayanghe Reserve which might pose a risk to baby monkey
然而在过去的数个世纪 but in past centuries, this area of south China
中国南部的这个地区是豹子 巨蟒 甚至老虎的家
was home to leopards, pythons, and even tigers
为了在暗夜潜行者的利爪下存活 To survive dangerous night prowlers
叶猴们前往地底 the langurs went underground
using their rock climbing skills to seek shelter in inaccessible caverns
夜视镜在近乎黑暗的坏境下记录下 Filmed in near darkness using a night vision camera
叶猴一家爬上了 the troop clambers along familiar ledges
被数代猴族磨蚀光润的石壁的情景 worn smooth by generations before them
当冬日寒冷来袭 During cold winter weather
猴子们则冒险潜入 the monkeys venture deeper underground
空气相对保持温暖的地下 where the air stays comparatively warm
旅途的终点 At last, journeys end,
a coated niche beyond the reach of even the most enterprising predator
并非只有猴子们在洞穴中寻找遮蔽 But it's not just monkeys that find shelter in caves
这些孩子们刚放学 These children are off to school
在中国农村每天早上都意味着一段 In rural China, that may mean a long trek each morning
穿越一两个洞穴的艰苦跋涉 passing through a cave or two on the way
然而并非所有孩子都要徒步上学 But not all pupils have to walk to school
这些孩子是寄宿生 These children are boarders
当孩子们快要到达学校时 As the day pupils near journey's end
住宿生还在做早饭 the boarders are still making breakfast
In the school yard, someone seems to have switched the lights off
但这里其实并没有正规的操场 But this is no ordinary play ground
以及正规的学校 and no ordinary school
只不过是座 Its house
洞穴中的房屋而已 inside a cave
天然拱顶阻隔了雨水 A natural vault of rock keeps out the rain
为教室省去了屋顶 so there is no need for a roof on the classroom
中东洞穴学校由六个班级 Zhongdong cave school is made up of 6 classes
共200名学生组成 with a total of 200 children
如同这所学校般 这个洞穴住宅区 As well as a school, the cave houses 18 families
是18户人家和他们牲畜的聚居地 together with their livestock
这或许是世界上唯一在洞穴中饲养的牛了 This could be the only cave dwelling cows on Earth
放学后是游戏的时间 With school work over, it's play time at last
在中国南方 洞穴不仅用于遮蔽 In southern China, caves aren't just used for shelter
本文标题:美丽中国-龙之心(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(7)