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美丽中国-龙之心(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(4)

时间:2014-10-18 08:47 来源:未知 作者:地理教师 责任编辑:地理教师

当然一旦时刻来临 宋家人也会做出相同行为来报恩
when the time comes, the Songs will return the favor
当农户们忙碌在田埂间时 While the farmers are busy in the fields
the swallows fly back and forth with material for their nest
人多力量大 Many hands make light work
插秧的整个过程只持续了仅一个多小时 planting the new paddy takes a little more than an hour
当工作完成 农户们得以休息 Job done, the villagers can relax
至少在明天来临之前 at least until tomorrow
然而对这些筑巢的飞鸟而言 修筑家园的宏大工程
But for the nesting swallows, the work of raising a family
才刚刚开始 has only just begun
新耕种的田地里 In the newly planted fields
白鹭在寻找食物 little egrets hunt for foods
稻田成了虫鱼蝌蚪的乐园 The rice paddy harbor tadpoles fish and insects
而白鹭正好以此哺育幼鸟 and egrets have chicks to feed
重庆自然保护区建立于1996年 This colony in Chongqing province is established in 1996
when a few dozen birds build nests in the bamboo grove behind YanGuang village
当地人将其视为幸运的使者 Believing they were assigned of luck
local people initially protected the egrets and the colony grove
But their attitude change when the head of the village fell ill
当政府开始介入保护鸟群时 They blame the birds and were all set to destroy their nests
他们开始敌视鸟群并着手摧毁巢穴 when the local government stepped in to protect them
易弯曲的竹子或许并非安家的最佳场所 Bendy bamboo may not be the safest nesting place
but at least these youngsters won't end up at someone's dinner
这些小家伙刚从母亲嘴里分得美食 These chicks have just had a meal delivered by their mom
对新生的小嘴着实是一大挑战 quite a challenge for litter beaks
介于他们的栖息地是受保护的 Providing their colonies are protected
wading birds like egrets are among the few wild creatures which benefit directly from intensive rice cultivation
水稻生长需要大量的水 Growing rice needs lots of water
但即便是在多雨的南方 有些土地也面临缺水的危机
but even in the rainy south, there are landscapes where water is surprisingly scarce
相当于法国和西班牙国土加起来那么大 This vast area of southwest China
的中国西南的广阔土地 the size of France and Spain combined
is famous for its clusters of conical hills
连绵的锥形山脉而闻名于世 like giant upturned egg carton seperated by dry empty valleys
这就是喀斯特地貌 This is the karst
a limestone terrain which has become the defining image of southern China
  本文标题:美丽中国-龙之心(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(4)
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