这就是稻米 rice
The Chinese have been cultivating rice for at least 8 thousand years
他们改变了这块土地 It has transformed the landscape
对云南南部的农民而言 冬末是个繁忙的季节
Late winter in southern Yunnan is a busy time for local farmers
as they prepare the age-old paddy field ready for the coming spring
元阳县的山坡以2000M之势 These hill slopes of Yuanyang county
斜插于红河谷地的河床 plunge nearly 2000m to the floor of the Red River Valley
each contains literally thousands of stack terraces carved out by hand using basic digging tools
Yunnan's rice terraces are among the oldest human structures in China
依旧被耕种使用的土地 still ploughed as they always have been
正如千百年来的习俗一样 by domesticated water buffaloes
whose ancestors originated in these very valleys
This man-made landscape is one of the most amazing engineering feats of preindustrial China
似乎这里的每一寸土地 It seems as if every square inch of land
都被打上了农耕的痕迹 has been pressed into cultivation
当薄暮降临 As evening approaches
另一场古老的仪式上演 an age-old ritual unfolds
现在是交配的季节 It's the mating season
and male paddy frogs are competing for the attention of females
But it dosen't always pay to draw too much attention to youself
中国池鹭是个饕餮掠食者 The Chinese Pond Heron is a crapulous predator
就算在耕作过的稻田中央 Even in the middle of a ploughed paddy field
也会上演喙与爪的血腥剧目 nature is red in beak and claw
或许这看上去像一场屠杀 This may look like a slaughter
但每只池鹭一次只能吞噬一只蛙 but as each heron can swallow only one frog at a time
the vast majority will escape to croak another day
Terrace paddies like those of YunYang county are found across much of southern China
梯田横贯中国南部 This whole vast landscape is dominated by rice cultivation
In heated Guizhou province the Miao minority have developed a remarkable rice culture
With every inch of fertile land given over to rice cultivation
the Miao build their wooden houses on the steepest and least productive hillsides
所有东西在中国农村都自有其用处 In Chinese rural life everything has a use
dried in the sun manure from the cowsheds would be used as cooking fuel
本文标题:美丽中国-龙之心(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(2)