但决不是中国特有的 but by no means unique to China.
海蜇是快速繁殖的浮游生物的食物 Jellyfish are fast-breeding plankton feeders.
近些年来 人类污水和精耕细作使用的化肥
In recent years, human sewage and fertilisers from intensive farming
增大了海湾的浮游生物繁殖速度 have increased plankton blooms in the Gulf,
提供了丰富的海蜇食物 providing extra jellyfish food.
由于过度捕鱼 海蜇的敌人和竞争者少了
While over-fishing has reduced their enemies and competitors.
It's a phenomenon that has become increasingly widespread
在全球蔓延 across the world's seas.
然而 别的地方认为是个问题 However, what is seen elsewhere as a problem,
在中国却被当成机会 in China is perceived as an opportunity.
岸上 Back on shore,
mule carts transport the jellyfish to nearby warehouses
在那里处理后销往全国 where they will be processed and sold as food all over China.
四代人正在饱餐一碗海蜇片 Four generations tuck into a bowl of sliced jellyfish,
这道菜可以延年益寿 the recipe for a long and healthy life.
离开了渤海湾 Leaving the Bohai Gulf behind,
迁徙的鹤群 migrating cranes,
篦鹭和鸭子里边加入了其他鸟类 spoonbills and ducks are joined by other birds,
它们都飞向南方寻找安全的冬天栖息地 all heading south in search of a safe winter haven.
鸟群的迁徙路线顺着黄海 The birds' migration route follows the coast of the Yellow Sea
一路朝向江苏省 down into Jiangsu Province,
那里有肥沃的农业风景 a fertile agricultural landscape
有中国最后存留的盐沼泽地 with some of the last remaining salt marshes in China.
大丰 At Dafeng,
a small salt marsh reserve is home to an animal which is lucky to be alive.
The Chinese see these Milu as a curious composite animal,
有像马一样的头 with a horse's head,
牛一样的脚 cow's feet,
驴一样的尾巴 a tail like a donkey
朝向后边的鹿角 and backwards-facing antlers.
在西方 自从第一个欧洲人 In the West, we know it as David's Deer,
叫它麋鹿以后 我们也这样叫了 after the first European to describe it.
在发情期 During the rut,
雄鹿用植物的花环来装饰自己 stags decorate themselves with garlands of vegetation
这些东西是用鹿角弄的 collected in their antlers.
激烈的战斗决定谁拥有交配权 Fierce battles decide mating rights.
雌鹿仍然带着去年的幼鹿 The females still have last year's fawns in tow.
母鹿在发情期也没有给幼鹿断奶 They haven't been weaned by the time of the rut
幼鹿聚在一起 and band together in large crhes,
只回到自己母亲那里喂食 only returning to their mothers to feed.
This unique behaviour helps to keep them clear of the aggressive males.
现在 中国仅存2500头麋鹿了 Today, there are just 2,500 Milu in China,
本文标题:美丽中国-潮汐更迭(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(5)