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美丽中国-潮汐更迭(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(12)

时间:2014-10-18 08:23 来源:未知 作者:地理教师 责任编辑:地理教师

苍鹭 白鹭和鸬鹚 Herons, egrets and cormorants
和另一种稀有的动物混在一起 mingle with a far rarer visitor,
这就是黑脸琵鹭 the black-faced spoonbill.
这些濒危的候鸟们 These endangered migrants
从中国北部和朝鲜半岛 have travelled the length of the Chinese coastline
沿着中国的海岸线一路飞来 from Northern China and Korea.
Mai Po marks the end of a 2,000 kilometre journey
during which the birds may have lost up to a third of their body weight.
400多只黑脸琵鹭 Four hundred black-faced spoonbills,
占了世界数量的四分之一 a quarter of the world's population,
会在这里过冬 pass the winter here.
在浅水中 At low water,
被困的鱼虾易于捕食 trapped shrimps and fish become easy prey,
成为了这些濒危鸟儿们的救命粮草 a life saver for these endangered birds.
米埔沼泽是珠江口的一部分 The Mai Po marshes are part of the Pearl River estuary,
螃蟹 虫子和泥鳅在这个泥质海滩上俯拾即是
whose muddy shores abound with crabs, worms and mud-skippers.
退潮时暴露出泥中生命的 Exposed at low tide,
就像自助餐一样 this smorgasbord of mud-life attracts both waders
不仅吸引了涉禽 还吸引了基围的鸟儿and the gei wai birds.
在后海湾内湾的泥滩上 Here on the mudflats of Inner Deep Bay,
每种鸟类都拥有自己的领地 each kind of bird has its own specific feeding zone
这决定于水的深度 defined by the depth of the water,
它们的喙长和捕食的技巧 the length of its beak and its feeding technique.
一旦吃饱喝足 Once refuelled,
它们就沉浸于整齐划一的空中表演 they revel in synchronised aerial displays.
比起中国海岸线上的其他地方 More than any other place on China's coastline,
后海湾内湾更能证明在帮助之下 Inner Deep Bay demonstrates that, with help,
可自我调节的自然仍旧可以生存 resilient nature can still thrive,
即使被包围在像深圳这样的 even when boxed in
高楼环立的城市的阴影之中 and overshadowed by towering cities like Shenzhen.
人类保护自然的另一个 Another successful example of man's intervention
成功范例 on behalf of nature
就是大屿山 can be glimpsed in the waters round Lantau Island.
在白鹭饱餐之时 While egrets make the most of an easy meal,
其他的生物则盯上了渔民的成果 other creatures have their eye on the fishermen's catch.
中华白海豚堪称河口生活的专家 Chinese white dolphins are estuary specialists.
Found widely in the Indian and Pacific Ocean,
在中国非常少见 this species is rare in China.
幼豚出生时呈深灰色 长大后出现斑纹
The young are born dark grey and become spotted as adolescents,
最终成年后转为乳白色 finally turning creamy white as adults,
though on some occasions they may blush a delicate shade of pink.
有三群海豚生活在大屿山周围 Three groups of dolphins live close to Lantau Island.
  本文标题:美丽中国-潮汐更迭(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(12)
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