涨潮时 他们随着潮水利用回声
As the tide comes in, they move with it to feed on small fish or squid
在浑浊的水中定位随水而来的 which travel with the currents,
猎物——小鱼和乌贼 using echolocation to see their prey through the murky water.
他们还通过声音进行交流 They also use sound to communicate.
但如今却面临着震耳欲聋的噪音所带来的问题 But they face a deafening problem.
The Pearl Estuary has become one of the busiest shipping channels in China,
海豚也经常受到噪音的狂轰滥炸 and the dolphins are constantly bombarded with sound.
New research suggests that they may now pack more information
包含了更多的信息并变得更短促 into shorter calls in a bid to be heard.
Local conservationists have now set up a protected zone near Lantau Island.
中华白海豚从此得以生存 So, for now, China's white dolphins are holding on.
在香港的南部就是中国南海 South of Hong Kong lies the South China Sea,
散布者200多个岛屿和礁石 studded with more than 200 islands and reefs.
潜在的鱼 油 气等自然资源 Potential reserves of fish, oil and gas
皆蕴含着重大的战略意义 make each one strategic,
and the whole region has become a political hot spot
as territorial disputes simmer between its many neighbouring countries.
水质本身并不富含养分 The waters themselves are low in nutrients
此地甚至匮乏生机 and would be poor in life
一切都拜当地充足日照所赐 if it wasn't for the other resource that's here in abundance.
——阳光 Sunlight.
在珊瑚礁岛屿的浅海区域 In the shallows of the coral atolls,
水母将他的触须直指太阳 small jellyfish point their tentacles towards the sun.
正如此地的其他动物一样 Like many animals here,
他们靠着能将太阳能转换 they depend on a close partnership with microscopic algae,
为食物的海藻存活 which turn solar power into food.
最著名的莫过于为海底 The most famous of these relationships is the reef-forming corals,
which provide the foundation of the sea's most dazzling ecosystem.
他们的枝条为成群弱小敏感 Their branches provide shelter
身披神奇自然保护色的 for a wealth of small and vulnerable creatures,
小生物提供了天然庇护所 many of them beautifully camouflaged.
But the ultimate master of disguise has to be the octopus,
他们不仅能改变外形与颜色 able to change not only its shape and colour,
甚至能变化皮肤纹理 but its skin texture, too.
在暗礁与深水的交接处 Where the reefs meet deeper waters,
上涌的水流携带大量营养元素至表层水 upwelling currents carry nutrients to the surface.
Reef fish swim out to gorge themselves on the resulting food,
本文标题:美丽中国-潮汐更迭(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(13)