即便最微小的失误 The slightest miscalculation
也会导致狩猎的失败 and the snake is left with a mouthful of feathers.
蛇只能通过嗅觉寻找失去的美味 The dropped meal is tracked down mainly by smell,
毒蛇用分叉的舌头 the viper using its forked tongue
分辨空气来靠近追逐的猎物 to taste the air until it is close enough to see its quarry.
The final challenge is to swallow a meal that's twice the size of its head.
It does so by dislocating its jaws and positioning its prey
使鸟嘴指向后边 so the beak is pointing backwards.
对于爬虫来说,充足的时间也很短暂 For the reptiles, this time of plenty is all too brief.
再过几个星期,迁移就要结束了 In a couple of weeks, the migration will be over
鸟群会继续前进 and the birds will have moved on.
这可能是蛇六个月中的最后一餐 This could be the snake's last meal for six months.
但是并不是岛上会经历 But it isn't just islands
盛宴和饥馑的循环 that experience cycles of feast and famine.
海也有季节变化 The sea, too, has its seasons,
a fact well known to fishing communities along the neighbouring coasts.
在初望港 In Chuwang harbour,
the start of a new fishing season provides the excuse for a massive party.
但是对于船主老赵来说 But for boat owner Mr Zhao,
既有庆祝又有祈祷 it's a day of prayer as well as celebration.
Zhao hopes that by presenting gifts and showing respect to the sea goddess,
来确保他们来年捕鱼 he can help ensure a prosperous and safe year ahead
顺利安全 for him and his crew.
同时 鼓声 爆竹反映了古人的信念
Meanwhile, drums, firecrackers and fireworks reflect the ancient belief
that loud noises will frighten off dangerous sea devils and bad fortune.
Occupying centre stage is a representation of the sea dragon,
传说海龙控制着水和天气 mythical ruler of water and weather.
夜晚风平浪静 In the calm of the evening,
赵先生和家人点亮了纸船灯笼 Mr Zhao and his family light paper boat lanterns.
Each flickering flame carries a wish to the sea goddess,
a tradition passed on from parents to children over countless generations.
在中国拥挤的海岸线上 On China's crowded coasts,
渔民们必须非常机敏 fishermen need to be extremely resourceful.
收渔网是一项繁重的工作 Hauling in the nets is hard work,
目前为止还没有看到鱼 and so far there's not a fish in sight.
只有海蜇 Only jellyfish.
每年 无数的海蜇 Each year, millions of jellyfish
被渤海湾的水流带到南方 are carried south with the currents in the Bohai Gulf.
这种现象的生态学原因很复杂 The ecological story behind this event is complex,
本文标题:美丽中国-潮汐更迭(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(4)