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美丽中国-西藏(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(5)

时间:2014-10-18 08:40 来源:未知 作者:地理教师 责任编辑:地理教师

中国人把这种小而凶猛的猎食者成为“飞虎” Chinese call this fierce little hunter the "fly tiger".
跳蜘蛛在世界各地都有分布 Jumping spiders are found all over the world.
他们的八对眼睛中有一对很大 Their eight eyes include an oversized central pair,
像双筒望远镜一样四处搜寻潜在的目标 which act like powerful binoculars to spot potential victims.
他们利用水压使腿像活塞一样 They use hydraulic pressure to work their legs like pistons,
可以弹跳到30倍于他们体长的高度 catapulting up to 30 times their own body length.
这是在山地中行走的理想方法 The ideal way to get around in rocky terrain.
但像其他的登山者一样 他们也总是先确认哪里是“安全线”
But like all mountaineers,they always secure a safety line first.
一个弹尾虫正盯着碎石屑 A springtail grazes on detritus,
unaware that it's being stalked by such an acrobatic predator.
藏民们把珠穆朗玛峰称为“Qomolangma(珠穆朗玛)” The Tibetans call Everest "Qomolangma",
意为“大地之母” meaning "mother of the world".
这象征着他们对山的热爱 而不管山看起来多么的冷酷无情
It's a mark of their affection for the mountain,however brutal it may appear.
从高山一直到广阔的平原都充满危险 Venture further from the mountains and out onto the open plateau,
在这里活下去并不容易 and life doesn't appear to get any easier.
风在大地上急速穿过 High winds scour the landscape
气温也可以从酷热难当骤降到冰冷入骨 and temperaturescan drop from baking to freezing in moments.
这里是羌塘或叫北部草原 This is the Chang Tang or Northern Grassland.
它远离人烟 被称为“世界第三极” It's so remote that it's been called the Third Pole.
这里海拔超过5000米 It's about 5,000 metres above sea level,
远远超出了人们会有高原反应的高度way above the point at which altitude sickness starts to affect humans.
在这个高度下 大部分人都要不停地喘气 At this height,most people are gasping for breath.
但缺少氧气却对这种生物没多大影响 But lack of oxygen hasn't cramped this creature's style.
长角羚或叫藏羚羊已经到了冬季的发情期 Chiru,or Tibetan antelope,have arrived for the winter rut.
在这样耗能的稀薄空气当中 雄性还必须经常地围着成群的雌性跑
In the energy-sapping thin air,the males must try to control groups of females
以使她们在自己的控制之下。 by constantly rounding them up and corralling them.
但是藏羚羊也有优势 But the chiru have an advantage.
他们的红血球数量是我们的两倍 Their red blood cell count is twice as high as ours,
即使在如此高的纬度 也足以为他们的 sufficient to supply their muscles with oxygen
肌肉输送氧气 even at this extreme altitude.
然而 想要控制住这么一大群家眷并不容易 Nevertheless,it's hard work keeping his harem in check,
甚至有时雄性的生活会更加艰难。 and the male's life is about to get even harder.
  本文标题:美丽中国-西藏(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(5)
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