正好阻断了它们经常迁徙的路 railway,which cuts right through their traditional migration routes.
青藏铁路蜿蜒2000多公里 经过世界上最高的地带
Running nearly 2,000 kilometres through some of the highest
它的修建是震惊世界的壮举 terrain on Earth,the railway is an astonishing technical feat.
评论它对野生动物的影响还为时过早 It's too early to see its effect on the wildlife,
但工程师们已经设计了高架桥来让 but the engineers have made efforts to incorporate underpasses
野生动物能安全地穿过铁路 where wildlife can cross the line in safety.
由于现代世界对西藏与日俱增的影响 As the modern world increasingly impacts on Tibet,
西藏的传统文化正面临影响 its traditions could be in danger of being eroded.
但是正是由于这个地方的偏僻 But thanks to the sheer scale of this remote region,
there are still many wild places that have so far remained largely intact.
The least explored area of all is found in Tibet's far south east.
西藏最长的雅鲁藏布江 Here the Yarlung River,Tibet's longest,
在喜马拉雅山脉中留下了深深的印痕 has carved through the Himalayas,
allowing monsoon clouds from India to pass through.
这里是西藏最神秘的角落 This is Tibet's most secret corner.
根据传说雅鲁藏布江大峡谷 According to legend,the Yarlung gorge
在十八世纪奇迹般地消失了 was rendered magically invisible in the eighth century
and can only be seen by those who have attained sufficient spiritual knowledge and wisdom.
这个神秘的地方离最近的路有两天的路程 At two days' walk from the nearest road,
this hidden region wasn't explored by outsiders until the 1990s.
多亏了季风的帮助 Thanks to the annual monsoon,
才使这个地方苍翠繁茂 the whole landscape is covered in lush forest.
峡谷之大让人心惊胆战 The scale of the gorge is breathtaking.
雅鲁藏布江从山峦间穿过 形成了世界最深的峡谷
As the Yarlung River cuts through the mountains,it's created the world's
比美国大峡谷深三倍多 deepest gorge,three times deeper than America's Grand Canyon.
这个广袤神秘的地方为研究西藏 对其他地方的重要性提供了极其重要的线索
This vast and mysterious place provides a vital clue to Tibet's importance for the rest of the world.
多亏了高原的存在 The monsoon which sustains this lush and fertile valley
才有了为绿色富饶峡谷带来活力的季风 owes its very existence to the Tibetan plateau.
高原像一个巨大的加热板 春夏温暖 Like a giant hotplate,the plateau heats up in the spring and summer.
The change in air pressure draws in warm moist air from the Indian Ocean in the south.
幸亏这样从印度到缅甸的十亿多人 Thanks to this, over a billion people from India to Burma
本文标题:美丽中国-西藏(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(11)