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美丽中国-西藏(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(12)

时间:2014-10-18 08:40 来源:未知 作者:地理教师 责任编辑:地理教师

都得益于季风带来的季风雨 benefit from the monsoon rain that this wind brings with it.
西藏就是保持整个次大陆肥沃的动力 Tibet is the engine that drives the fertility of a whole subcontinent.
But Tibet has an even greater role in the ecology of the region.
Clues to this function are found in a legend that pre-dates even the ancient Tibetan culture
而这个传说至今还吸引着来自全世界的朝圣者 and which still draws pilgrims from all over the world.
Several world religions believe in a mythical mountain that's equivalent to the Garden of Eden.
它的顶部有四个面 排成罗盘的四个方向 Its peak has four faces,aligned to the points of the compass,
and from its summit four rivers are said to flow to the four quarters of the world.
由于这里的生命之泉 Thanks to its life-giving waters,
这座山被称为“世界屋脊” this mountain is known as the "axis of the world. "
在西藏最偏僻的区域之一 有一个地方应验了这个传说
In one of the remotest areas of Tibet,there's a place where this legend takes physical form.
这就是伽拉萨山 That place is Mount Kailash.
机缘巧合的是伽拉萨山同 By an uncanny coincidence,Mount Kailash perfectly matches the legend
世界屋脊神话中的描述非常吻合 of the mythical axis of the world.
它的四个面大体向罗盘的四个方向 Its four faces are roughly aligned to the compass,
还有四条主河从丘陵地带奔流 and four major rivers flow from its foothills.
他们是亚洲最重要的四条河 These are some of the most significant rivers in Asia.
雅鲁藏布江、形成了印度的布拉马普特拉河、The Yarlung,which becomes India's Brahmaputra,
印度河和流经巴基斯坦的萨特累季河 the Indus and Sutlej,which flow to Pakistan,
以及恒河的主要支流——卡那丽河 and the Karnali,a major feeder for the Ganges.
由于连接着神话般的高山 Thanks to its connection with the mythical mountain,
卡伊拉什山令人感到神圣而从未被攀登过 Kailash is so sacred that it has never been climbed.
它是朝圣者在西藏最重要的朝圣点 It's Tibet's most important pilgrimage site.
对于西藏人来说 朝圣之旅是从无知到被教化的过程
For Tibetans,pilgrimage is a journey from ignorance to enlightenment.
A pilgrimage around the sacred mountain is believed to wipe out
获得一个更好的来生 the sins of a lifetime,increasing the chance of a better rebirth.
Most pilgrims time their visit for the most important festival in the Tibetan calendar.
一千多年以来 他们聚集在卡伊拉什山脚 For over 1,000 years they have gathered at the foot of Kailash
来庆祝萨嘎达瓦节 感谢佛陀的教化 for the Saga Dawa festival to celebrate Buddha's enlightenment.
  本文标题:美丽中国-西藏(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(12)
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